About Tortoise Conduct Health Coaching

Tortoise Conduct Health Coaching LLC

Tortoise Conduct Health Coaching is an extension of my blog, Tortoise Conduct. If you check out my “About Me” page, you will see how Tortoise Conduct came to be.  I wanted a platform that held me accountable to being myself and acted as a external visible reminder of who I am at my core. It was my platform to follow the beat to my own drum, go at my pace and hold true to my uniqueness and authenticity.

Tortoise Conduct Health Coaching is a service that will help others along their journey of uniqueness and authenticity. In a world where we have direct access to everyone else’s highlight reel, it’s inevitable that we may compare, compete or complain about what ‘is’ or ‘isn’t’ in our real life. TC Health Coaching’s mission is to help you get out of your own way through time, patience, experimentation and a little exploration. 

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