Kennedy & Turquoise Wall

Stick To Your Path.

It’s been another chunk of time that I’ve taken a break from writing and creating (read my last blogpost here). Truth is, I’ve been busy getting adjusted to my new job, school, and just new routine in general. But, I’m back…for this post at least. I’m free writing and have no agenda which means it’s prolly going to be long-winded. Only encouraging thing that came to mind (for me and for you as the reader) was stick to your path.

Some of you might be wondering, “What new job?!” or “Girl, we really don’t know what you do for work anyway.” Cool, even better. LOL. Just know that in my previous role, I was very unhappy, overworked and undervalued. I’d been praying intentionally, applying, revising my resume and emailing old contacts since the end of 2019. I’d gotten rejection after rejection. Fast forward through the height and plight of Coronda, I started working with my life coach again at the end of 2020. This is the same life coach I worked with in 2018 as I was trying to transition from bedside nursing into a non-bedside role.

It’s truly something to witness your personal growth in just 2 years’ time–to reflect on where your head was at in a past space to where it is now. Priorities change. Desires change. Needs change. Anyway, I had a revelation this time around and it completely helped me shift the way I was approaching this job search. I was clear about what I needed to search and apply for and not just shoot for something to get out of the toxic work environment I was in. My coach said something very pivotal in one of our final sessions that I referred to every time thereafter as I reviewed a prospective position’s responsibilities. Wanna know what she said?! Focus on the expression (not on the feeling); the feeling will follow. Basically, don’t fixate on the job title, but rather focus on what you’d actually be doing. Are those things in alignment with your core values? Generally speaking, would those job responsibilities bring fulfillment into your workspace?

Before this was said, we’d done a lot of work to nail down my core values. We also identified various personal and professional moments in my life where I had the greatest sense of joy. After compiling all of those moments we found the common theme (a common denominator I’ll say) and I was able to deduce the type of job I should be applying for.

Remember earlier when I mentioned that I was praying intentionally? This whole time, throughout this entire process, I prayed for discernment. I prayed that God would order my footsteps in a way that would get me closer to walking in my purpose and on purpose. I prayed He would close doors that He didn’t want me to walk through and I prayed fervently that He wouldn’t let me get in my own way (which happens ALL the freaking time).

After all them damn No’s, I had a Yes in March 2021. This was an unexpected Yes for a number of reasons. It was one of those “one-off” positions I randomly applied for the hell of it with zero expectation of hearing back. It was one of those applications I completed and submitted only after surrendering to defeat. [Rejection sucks]

I’d put a lot of work into (as I constantly am) my self-development, self-improvement and growth. So, while I am praying, while I am seeking professional help and putting in the work to get to this point, I’d also manifested the type of work I wanted to do (without knowing the specifics of what I wanted to do). My best friend and I declared at the beginning of this year that we would secure better professional opportunities by March 2021.

We both had different reasons for wanting these changes, but just knew that it was time to shift and transition. We were specific about when we wanted the change and we were open to saying ‘yes’ and being obedient to whatever God assigned. I thought I was terrible at manifesting anything (because much of what I truly desire still hasn’t happened yet), but when you believe it, speak it, claim it and send it on its merry way into the Universe, that shit actually works! It worked for both of us as a matter of fact 🙂

So, to wrap up this already too long of a post, STICK TO YOUR PATH. Things don’t often happen according to our plans…that’s a fact. But, if you have a vision or you simply know you were put on this earth to do something (professionally, other than what you’re doing now) keep searching for it. Don’t settle and just expect that where you are presently is your end game. This new job isn’t my final landing pad, but it’s a stop along my journey that I have to take to get me that much closer to what I’m ultimately supposed to be doing.

If you made it to the end of this, bless your heart 🙂

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