
Reclaiming Time

Reclaiming my time.

This week, unlike any other, I’ve actually had time to sit down, think, and organize my thoughts.

This week, unlike any other, I’ve been able to stick to a routine.

Routine, I have come to realize, is a key ingredient missing from my life right now.

Routine, or the act of keeping some things ‘constant’, is what is going to get me my time back moving forward.

This new found routine of mine is essentially my self-care regimen; the must-do checklist before experiencing life the remainder of the day.


Top 5, Top 5, Top 5:

1. Pray before my feet touch the ground.

I didn’t always use to do this. I was always the intermittent prayer type. Now, I refuse to leave my bed without going to Him with my troubles and thanking him for the blessings I didn’t deserve anyway.

2. Set a timer for 1 hour until I’m allowed to look at any social media or personal emails.

Your life and/or fake life will not make me feel ‘less than’ first thing in the morning. Your ‘likes’ will not define me nor determine my value.

3. Write down any feeling or idea that I don’t want to forget.

In a recent interview with the Breakfast Club, Jennifer Lewis said, “It’s important for young people to feel their feelings…if you’re feeling hopeless, feel that…whatever, feel your feelings then move because you’ll carry the rage with you…you’ll carry the confusion and the chaos with you…and then we don’t get anything done.” I don’t want to continue beating myself up for just being human. Life sucks sometimes and life is great sometimes, so I write about both. Click here to see the full interview

4. Read at least 1 chapter from an interesting book.

I don’t read nearly enough, but I’d like to. I want to make it something I can’t go without and never lose the passion for stimulating my mind and evolving my ways of thinking. Book I’m currently enjoying from a Louisville native: A Conspiracy of Stars, by Olivia A. Cole

5. Exercise.

Working out has always been a lifestyle, but I’ve begun to incorporate group classes such as Yoga and Soul-Cycle. The Yoga piece helps me connect mind, body, and spirit. Soul-Cycle, well, it gives me an opportunity to be around an upbeat group of people cycling for a common goal. And, even though I HATE running, jogging forces me to focus on my breathing-which in turn, helps me to remember to breathe during those stressful moments and moments where I need to redirect my reaction.


What are some things you must do before you get the day started? Comment and share!


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