Top of the Rock

New Decade, Same Desires

2020 is here and I’ve been re-reading things I’ve journaled during 2019 and revisited declarations I made at the end of 2018. Most things I’ve wanted for myself still have yet to happen.

So, I have essentially decided to combine my 2018 desires with my 2019 desires to carry over into this next decade.

Three qualities that continue to impede my growth:

  1. Negative self talk
  2. Over-Thinking
  3. Self-Doubt

Five things I’d like to see happen:

  1. I’d like to expand my circle a bit through connecting. I’d like to be more vulnerable with people and open up more and sooner. I want to feel comfortable asking my friends for help and reaching out instead of trying to hold it together all of the time. And, vice versa. I worked on this some in 2019. It was so uncomfortable, but worth it.
  2. I don’t know how, when, or where, but I’m claiming a better job opportunity and financial increase. However this looks, I’m claiming to finally be working and living in my purpose. I actually got the opportunity in 2019. It has challenged me personally, professionally, and I’ve gained new skills but it still isn’t the right fit. 
  3. I vow to travel more and maintain an adventurous spirit even it means I do it solo. I’ve missed out on fun and exciting experiences, as I’m sure many of us do, waiting on other people. If it’s something you want, go for it. Do not wait on other people or seek permission. I traveled quite a bit in 2019 and loved each trip! Traveling, I know for sure, brings me so much joy and happiness.
  4. I want to learn something new. Whether it’s getting a new certification, taking a class, or gearing up for graduate school, it’s happening in 2019. It’s happening for real for real because this declaration has been made on the internet and I’m going to look silly if I don’t follow-through. Not quite grad school, but I did attain my Infant Massage Certification for Healthcare Needs. I invested in myself to ultimately support a vision God has placed within me to explore.
  5. I’m going to be more consistent and intentional with my writing through journaling and blogging. I’ve said this since the conception on the blog and I haven’t gotten it to its sweet spot–not in looks or content. However, I’m not ready to give up on it. In my opinion, the last few posts have had better content and imaging. But, I’m going to push myself further creatively in 2020.

Want to check out those previous posts? Click here for 2018 and here for 2019.

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