Kennedy in Avenue Tee

New Blogpost Idea

New blogpost idea!

Each month, for the remainder of the year, I want to make an intropective post about things I’ve learned about myself and lessons learned in general. I’m going to pull from some of my journal entries and conversations with new people that really inspire reflection and self-improvement.

Let’s jump right in…

Three things I’ve learned about myself (that I can own up to) this month:

  1. My inner peace and contentment of self improves when I distance myself from social media, particularly Instagram. I only did it for one solid week, 7 whole days, and it was like a weight lifted off of my shoulders. This “weight” is a heaviness that is comparison, envy, and idol. It’s a “weight” that makes me question how I’m measuring up to my peers, if I’m on track, or if I’m missing out. That type of external and false societal pressure, or influence rather, can be tormenting since I’m already inclined to having low self-esteem and self-doubt. When I eliminated the scrolling (and subsequent comparing), all I was left with was me and who I am in the most authentic and natural form. I was able to conceptualize the reality and truth that my existence is enough. My personal goals and aspirations shifted back into perspective because it was isolated from the externally portrayed-picture-perfect lives in an app.
  2. I turn 30 this year and I’m freaking out several months premature. We’re three months into the year and I feel like March is the time you revisit the plans you made for the new year to see the progress you’ve made. I didn’t make plans, per se, but I had ideas of how I wanted to move through each month. Well, I ain’t moving like I thought I’d be and I’m hyperaware of how finite time is and how quickly it flies by. I’m in shock, wondering how I can essentially catch up and make up for “lost” time. I’ve fallen short of the high standards and expectations that I’ve put on myself that it’s bringing me down mentally, if I’m honest. That pressure, and feeling like a “failure,” has manifested itself just in the past week as physical illness–which leads me into #3.
  3. I’ve had migraines ever since I was a teenager and they have only gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. Because I journaled these episodes (i.e what activity I did, how much water I drank, new foods I consumed that day, the amount of sleep I got, etc) I was able to identify some of my triggers. Like in #2, stress and anxiety is a major contributor. The overthinking, sleepless night, fretting over situations out of my control led to a 3-day-long-excrutiating-migraine-nausea-vomiting extravaganza. TMI, yes. Additionally, March told me that certain cheeses and ice creams trigger my migraines. Problem is, I don’t know which cheeses or which ingredients in the ice creams (except I know for a fact that a Chick Fila Cookies & Cream milkshake literally took me out for 3 days earlier this month). I know, most dairy manifests as gut issues, but my migraines surface with a vengeance when I consume those foods.

I’m curious about what April will reveal to me about me. I can’t be the only one out here walking around here not completely sure of themselves, right? This monthly exercise ought to be interesting for you and for me. Check out my New Year blogpost here!

Self awareness and introspection is vital to growth.


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