
Navigating Tough Times

It is inevitable that we will all experience tough times at one or several points in our lives. The harsh reality is that not every moment will or can be blissful, magical, and instagrammable. This is fact. I don’t mean this to be a sappy post, but one that is very real for me right now.

I’m going through it.

I have been in a rut for a very long time.

I have tried to uphold a brave demeanor in public everywhere I go.

Truth is, it just doesn’t work after a while.

All of the stress, frustration, anger, and sadness that’s hidden inside has consumed me and become me.

Vicious Cycles Of A Tough Time

Logically, you know this to be atypical of your character, but how do you rid of that heavy extra layer of negativity and feeling of hopelessness?  Sure, reading positive affirmations aloud daily, practicing mindfulness exercises, going to therapy, and reading self-help books should help, but then what? What then when you’ve fallen off of that routine?

  1. You fake happy.
  2. You travel as an escape.
  3. You buy materialistic things.
  4. You fabricate your truth to present a more idealistic version of yourself.  
  5. You post on Instagram for validation.

All of these habits become apart of a vicious cycle–habits that don’t help you get to the root of the problem. They actually distract you from addressing and overcoming your internal struggles.

Create Positive Habits During A Tough Time

However, as timing would have it (as it normally does when you’re experiencing weak or low moments), I came across an online post discussing 8 Things To Remember When Going Through Tough Times. It briefly interrupted the negativity I was feeling to re-insert the healthier mental techniques I had been practicing. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t already seen, read, or rehearsed. Instead, it was a reminder. It was a reminder to get back to my routine of engraining my psyche with positive and mindful shit over and over again. It was a reminder to continue putting in the work daily to reprogram my internal make-up. It had me rehearsing a more hopeful, thankful, and optimistic mindset.

  1. Everything can and will change.
  2. You’ve overcome challenges before.
  3. It’s a learning experience.
  4. Not getting what you want can be a blessing.
  5. Allow yourself to have some fun.
  6. Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.
  7. Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about.
  8. And there is always something to be thankful for. 

I don’t know who this is for (besides myself), but you’re definitely not alone if you’ve been struggling in some way. It takes extreme courage to admit to self and others that you’re having a tough time and even more grit to push through those tough times.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Phyllis Barnes
    November 8, 2018 at 1:21 am

    I think we all go thru times in our life when we don’t feel happy or fulfilled. You keep it to yourself and try to deal with it by yourself which is not the best thing to do. It’s always best to talk to someone whether it be your friend, pastor or a counselor. But, you must talk to someone!! God didn’t bring us this far to leave us. We are not alone because we all struggle.

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