Me, Outside

My Learnings from this Global Crisis

There’s been so many shifts, changes, and transitions during these tumultuous times. Below I’ve listed my learnings from this global crisis:

I’ve always got food at home.

I do actually have the willpower to not eat fast food for several weeks at a time.

I prefer working from home.

I go through one toilet paper roll approximately every 7-10 days.

I am 100% a homebody.

I do actually need human connection and contact.

FaceTime is not as bad as seems.

Virtual parties are way more live than in-person parties.

French Press coffee is far more superior than instant coffee.

I can’t tolerate watching the news longer than 20 minutes, once per week. 

Music is healing.

Sunbathing in my apartment window has become my favorite post-work-meeting pastime.

I have a whole lot of body to hold during my home workouts. 

I still hate running, but I’m doing it regardless. 

I’m drinking more water.

My eyebrows look much better after not touching them for months.

Nursing was a great career choice.

Morning prayer sets the tone for my entire day.

I now understand what it means to be “still.”

Black lives matter.

All lives CAN’T matter until black lives do.

If there is no justice, there will be no peace.

My black is still beautiful and powerful.

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