Minimalism & Procrastination

Minimalism & Perseverance

Minimalism & Perseverance. Living life minimally and persevering through adversity truly strengthens our being. It says a lot about who we are as individuals and what we care about. It differentiates us between those who fall down and stay down versus those who get up, shake it off, and keep going.

Live life minimally.

Just try it. Living minimally doesn’t mean deprivation or lack, but rather trimming down in places that don’t really add value. In one area of your life, try ridding of things that don’t bring much joy or productivity to your day-to-day routine. This will look differently for everyone, but creating these new habits of intentional living will naturally then transfer to other realms of your life. For example, start with your closet. Identify clothes you haven’t worn nor reached for in the last 6 months and remove them. Whether it is because of poor fit, style, or impulse purchase, get rid of it. Do not overthink it or over analyze it. Do not dwell on the money lost or ways you can make the item “work.” If it hasn’t “worked” in the last 6 months, it won’t work in the next 6. Create and maintain a functional wardrobe with pieces that you reach for repeatedly. This behavior will then spill over into your traveler habits if you travel fairly often. You’ll be less likely to overpack, you’ll become more creative in your style because of fewer choices and options, and you’ll likely become a smarter consumer.

In this space where we are constantly bombarded with information and newness, it is easy to get distracted and lose sight of what truly matters to us. We end up accumulating an excess of people, ideas, and material things that we really don’t need. This over-consumption of the wrong stuff trickles over into our mentation where we start to feel bogged down, stressed, and overwhelmed. Maybe this accumulation and overconsumption has led to your “things that haven’t been right in awhile” feeling. I challenge you to take inventory of what and who is occupying your time and space. Is it or are they serving you? If not, get rid of it.

Don’t fear, keep going.

Behind every smile and countenance of optimism, there are some things that haven’t been right in a while. Hang tight. Nothing good or bad lasts forever, but how you choose to endure the bad times will make you appreciate and embrace the good so much more. Your peak season is on the horizon. Just ride it out a bit longer. Continue to do your best every day. Practice gratitude for moments in your day that are going well. It can suck for a long time, but it’s not forever. Just keep going.

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