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Manifestation & Decision Making

Manifestation and decision making! While anxieties and fears consume us surrounding this pandemic, we must continue manifesting our desired lives. We must also make the best decisions in the present moment and not dwell on endless ‘what if’ scenarios during this challenging time.

Your thoughts can manifest a new reality.

This shit does not work without practice! What you think and what you say out loud translates. Manifesting a new reality works when you do the work. It requires you to tune into everything that you feel and think and how that comes out of your mouth. The more intentional you are with your thoughts, the more likely you will start to see a shift in certain areas of your life. For example, if you always point out your flaws, that truly will seep into your psyche and you will become your flaws. On the flipside, if you speak about the things you love and admire about yourself the more you will become confident in who you are presently. The more you dwell on how trash your current job is, the less time you’re spending on talking up your dream position. The more you talk about how broke you are and can’t afford “x, y, and z” the further away you’ll get from accessing and manifesting financial abundance. So, maybe you aren’t where you want to be, look how you want to look, or have all of your needs met—keep moving through your seasons until you get there. Make efforts to change things within your control and adapt to what is beyond your control. 

Make the best decision with the information you have at the time you have to decide.

Chances are, you’re inundated with decision-making on a daily basis. Some of these decisions are probably quick and easy to make while others may require you to make a literal pro/con list. Even after you make the pro/con list your choice still may not be clear. This is the time where you should rely on your gut. You should decide based on what makes the most sense to you in that moment. Make the decision and trust that no matter what you decide will work itself out one way or the other. Often we spend so much time dwelling on infinite best-case and worst-case scenarios that end up crippling us from choosing anything. We become fearful of committing to even the simplest of decisions because of overthinking. Remember, overthinking can hinder us from moving forward. 

Manifestation and decision making don’t go hand in hand. They are two separate actions that may not always relate. During the times we are experiencing now, however, they both warrant your ongoing attention.

For practical wellness and intentional living exercises, check out Alex Elle’s website and subscribe. Also, check out her instagram. She often posts relatable and inspirational content that speaks to a lot our behaviors and emotions.

For other inso, read my other post here!

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