What Lifts You

I Relocated to Nashville

I relocated to Nashville for a new job.

I’ve been here for exactly 3 months. As with many other new experiences I’ve had, this move has been a challenge. I don’t know if it’s the newness of it all, but all of this change at one time is overwhelming for me.

This move is different.

This move is more long term.

I’m having to think, act, and move in ways I haven’t otherwise had to do.

Here are the tools I’m using to help me day by day:

  • Take it one day at time.
    • If one (or all) day sucks, just make it to the next one.
  • Develop a new routine.
    • For me, making sure I got back into a workout routine was my first priority.
  • Find a church home.
    • This one is major and sometimes the most difficult. I really felt connected to my church back home and finding another place thats speaks to me spiritually may take awhile.
  • Spark conversations with people at the stores you frequent to get more information about the area–because that’s easy!
    • In general, unless I’m at a restaurant, I won’t typically strike up a conversation. But, when I’m at Trader Joe’s or at my local plant shop, I’m talking about all kinds of things with people and getting all types of info about the city.
  • Phone a friend.
    • It only takes one or two solid people to help you overcome the unfamiliarity of a place. Even if you didn’t talk to this person everyday, they could be the very one to introduce to new experiences, places, and people you wouldn’t have found on your own.
  • Say ‘yes’ more than ‘no’.
    • Everything and everyone is new. You’re starting all over. In order to find your people, your places, and your things, you have to say ‘yes’ more to get a comprehensive feel for what’s out there before you can begin to tailor who your people are, where your favorite spots are and your favorite things in the city.
    • I’m sucking at this right now. HAHAH

I’m honestly just working on the above 6 items because that’s about all I can handle. Apply anymore pressure and I just might crumble, seriously.

What are your tips for relocation? I’d love to hear them!

Nashville Guru


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