Let’s cut the New Year, New Me bullshit and instead try our hand at simply making different choices the next chance we get. Once you do, just keep doing that over and over again. You don’t have to wait to start on a particular day or particular time, but simply make choices that gets you closer to the person you ultimately want to be. I was thinking about this a lot as we were closing 2024 and how I wanted to approach 2025 slightly different. What came to my mind was this very simple concept – make different choices, Kennedy. That concept alone felt digestible and easy!
It can often times feel really overwhelming and big to look at your goals on paper (please write your goals down, folks) to then actually taking action steps toward achieving said goals. One of my FAVORITE books, called Atomic Habits (by James Clear), repeatedly emphasizes the value in starting small. On page 39 I personally highlighted the following passage as my daily reminder:
“New identities require new evidence. If you keep casting the same votes you’ve always cast, you’re going to get the same results you’ve always had. If nothing changes, nothing is going to change. It is a simple two-step process: 1. Decide the type of person you want to be. 2. Prove it to yourself with small wins.”
You might be thinking (or, maybe you’re not thinking anything at all), “Is it really that simple?” Honestly, yes! And, it’s through those two steps that differentiates you from a person who reaches their goals versus someone who doesn’t. Same goes for me – there are areas in my life where I either feel stagnant or I feel like I could be better and it mostly comes down to me making different choices.
Case in point, this blog. Y’all, I LOVE to write. I especially love to write about topics I’ve been thinking about and finding some lesson in it that you or others might find helpful or encouraging. I didn’t set out to become a blogger per se, but I did (still do) want to be a relatable voice (on a very noisy internet) that motivates, uplifts and inspires. I also want to normalize the human experience and remind people to be authentic and true their own journey. But, I haven’t been consistent. I’ve written several other posts (like this one and this one ) about my absence from this platform and my vow to return. But, I kept falling off.
So, here is what my simple two-step process would be: 1. I want to be an inspirational and personal development writer. 2. I will upload a blogpost twice/month on the 1st and 15th.
Or, scrap my example. Maybe you are on a weight loss journey and you’re struggling with healthier food choices. Your different choice could be, “yesterday I chose french fries as my side at lunch, today I’m going to choose a side salad.” Or, maybe you’re on a weight loss journey and you’re struggling with movement and physical activity. Your different choice could be, “yesterday I sat on the couch all day, but today it’s nice outside so I’m going to choose to walk for 10 minutes.”
If there is something you’re working toward, some behavior you’re working to change or you just want to improve in an area you’ve already seen great progress, lead with the question, “How can I make a different choice?” If for nothing else, the question should cue to you to remember the goal you’re hoping to achieve or the person you want to become.
Let me know in the comments below an example of a choice you recently made that was ‘different’ and a vote for the person you want to be.
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