Health Coaching Process & Structure

Health Coaching Process & Structure

Health coaching sessions can be conducted individually or in groups, in-person or virtually. There is a specific structure and flow that will be followed during the sessions, and your coach (me) will show you how it works.

Timeline: Your health coaching sessions will last at least 3 months and occur every other week, for a total of 6 health coaching sessions. *Subject to change based on client-coach discussion*

Initial Health Coaching Session will last about 60 minutes and will include the following:

  • A description of health coaching
  • Discussion of your hopes and expectations regarding your coaching experience
  • Exploration of your assessment of your current health
  • Description and creation of your wellness vision

Health Coaching Session #2 will be approximately 30 minutes and will include the following:

  • Creation of your 3-6 month goals
  • Coaching around topic of choice related to your health goals
  • Setting action steps for the following two weeks (or until the next session)

Health Coaching Session #3 will include the following:

  • Review of success regarding action steps from the previous session
  • Exploration of obstacles or challenges regarding previous action steps
  • Coaching around topic of choice related to your health goals
  • Setting new action steps

For the best health coaching experience, it is recommended that the client completes 6-8 sessions to get the most benefit.

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