Flipping the Bird

Flipping the Bird

I’m respectfully flipping the bird (sorry Bro) to a life that once was and I am gleefully anticipating a new life of intention, authenticity, joy and happiness that will be.

My time as a travel nurse has come to a very long awaited and anticipated end. I’ve done travel nursing for 3 years and at each assignment there has been at least one defining experience confirming that I’m living against the very being of who I am.  Travel nursing for me personally, the job itself and processes that come with it, has been a lonely and emotional journey. I would not trade this valuable experience for anything in the world as it has helped to grow and enhance me tremendously. However, constantly uprooting my life every few months or so just is not something that I particularly enjoy anymore. Frankly, I don’t know that I ever enjoyed that aspect. I think I was more intrigued by the lifestyle and being able to essentially see several parts of the country whenever I wanted.

Traveling solo has taught me many things about myself. It has matured me.  It has shown me that I am more capable than the limitations I put on myself. Traveling solo has elevated my level of independence and appetite for exploration–one of the things I’m most anxious to walk away from. Traveling solo has allowed me the time to hone in on skills and hobbies that I’m truly passionate about such as hiking, thrifting, and elementary photography. But, it has also shown me that I am in better mental shape when I am closer to family and friends, when I can play an active  role in a social community (i.e. gym, church, volunteer organizations), and when I can have some sort of structure to my daily routine.

The terrifying and exciting part about all of this is that it is a fresh start. When I graduated nursing school, I told myself I’d give bedside nursing a “go” for 5 years. I just hit my 5 years about a week ago and it’s been one of the most emotionally taxing chapters of my life. I will continue to travel lots and explore whenever I have the opportunity, but it’s time for a change. Stay tuned…

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