Doing it Authentically

Doing it Authentically.

Well, it’s been quite some time that I’ve done this. Last post, I said I was back and then I left. But, something is pulling me back yet again. I don’t know if it’s the guilt of allowing this paid service to go unused (LOL) or if there is some purpose I’m being called to follow through this platform. Either way, what’s up y’all?! Did you miss me? Do you even remember me?

Let’s take a moment to reorient you…

My name is Kennedy. I started this blog in July 2015 (damn, I’m just realizing it’s been 7 whole years) as a means to document my personal journey–a journey that gets me closer to fulfilling my purpose both personally and professionally while doing it authentically. Then, I was a travel nurse traveling across the country solo (read: lonely, sad, depressed) as a pediatric critical care nurse. Now, I’m an RN Health Coach for a reputable company and in a program to become board certified as a health & wellness coach. This version of myself is much more grounded, content and happy.

Y’all, I still have ways to go, but things are shifting into alignment. I’m finding a groove that works for me, that makes more sense and isn’t forced. I can just about see the bigger picture. I find myself leading and living with intention and mindfulness more and more.

There’s so much more I could share and I will soon. The best next step is the one you take, however imperfect it may be. My visit today is my next best step to writing and creating again. Or, maybe it’s a fluke. Guess you and me both will find out…or we won’t.

I just re-read my last post and it’s actually kinda dope and inspiring. Check it out here.

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