Quarantine Selfie

Be A Sponge and Soak It All In

Read, keep learning, keep evolving—be a sponge and soak it all in. These are unique times. Even if this is the shittiest experience of your year this year, embrace the suck.

You’re allowed to sulk, to cry, to be depressed, to be lazy, and to not want to do anything at all. But, on those days where you have a jolt of energy, glimmer of hope, and fleeting moments of positivity try doing something you haven’t done before. Try that thing you’ve been meaning to do for months or even years.

No, you don’t have to make it to the other side of this pandemic with a new skill or business idea—I’m not suggesting that. I’m suggesting you take this opportunity to pour into yourself; whatever that looks like for you. For me, that has been cooking and trying new recipes—then taking SEVERAL photographs of it. It has also been a time where I have allowed myself to reintroduce foods into my diet that I set to the side because society told me it was “bad” for me. I have temporarily reintroduced foods from my childhood that I remember as being comforting and still, to this day, comforts me. It is a gratifying moment for me to cook a new or old dish that turns out delicious. It boosts my mood and fuels my creativity for 30 minutes to an hour. You can go see my last month’s eats here.

Whatever it is, be a sponge and soak it all in during this time—however messy or neat. 

PSA: And, continue practicing social distancing. Some states may be “opening” back up, but I urge you to wait it out awhile longer.

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