About Me

I thought of starting this blog back in July 2015. I needed an outlet, other than my small circle of family and friends, to get things off my chest. Honestly, who likes listening to the same broken record over and over? Not me. Anyway, for the longest time (years) I’ve felt like things weren’t moving along for me (in many aspects of my life) as I thought they should.


Tortoise Conduct is inspired by one of the famous Aesop Fables, “The Tortoise and the Hare.” You know, the good ole moral that slow and steady wins the race? Well, the concept is reflective of how I’m trying to live my own life (which is the ‘conduct’ piece). This notion that if you keep putting one foot in front of the other and you keep moving forward, despite all of the BS (acronym is open for interpretation), eventually you will land exactly where God intended you to be. It’s about being committed to the process.

Tortoise Conduct is about walking my own path according to the purpose that God has set out for me and doing things that bring joy to my life. Yes, I’m a firm believer in having a plan and knowing how to go from point A to B. But, now I believe it’s okay for me to step back and reevaluate what I thought I knew about myself and wanted and truly reflect on whether or not those initial goals are still in line with who I’m becoming and want to become moving forward.

Ultimately, this is just about following me as I grow and develop into my most authentic self. I may use cuss words as I do in real life. I may incorporate scripture and a prayer (to rectify foul language). I may share with you photographs I deem as cool like doors, archways, and donuts. I may try and say something motivational–I may not. I will let you explore my passions for thrifting and travel. Anything is fair game. It will be like my public journal for you all to see.

Here goes nothin’…

I made the original post in 2016 totally expecting to have already had a two-year blogaversary. But, as many things do, fear and anxiety overcame me and shat on my entire plans. I’m here frfr now–vulnerability and all. This blog is more for me than it is for you. It’s for me to hold myself accountable, to express my creative side, and to document life’s crazy ass journey. If you like it, I love it. If you don’t, run and tell everybody you know. #EXPOSURE







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