
Alice in Wonderland.

I captured this image randomly while I was meandering through one of my favorite parks.

In true me fashion, I instantly connected it to some life lesson…tryna be deep and philosophical.

It reminded me so much of Alice in Wonderland, playing on the concept of growing up. Alice’s adventures represent her child-like self exploring and navigating a crazy and confusing adult world.

The more she sees, the more she yearns to understand the world around her. She runs around with a refreshing curiosity, imagination, and remains open-minded. In the end, however, she has seen too much. She has been exposed to too much that she is unable to preserve her innocence and imaginative spirit to return to the world she once knew…Wonderland.

My trillest hobbies, traveling and thrifting, revive my inner child.

Traveling keeps me well-rounded, culturally literate, and curious. The more I see and do, the more I realize that I still have so much more to see and do.

Thrifting feeds my creativity and authenticity. It teaches me patience. It also allows me control over my ecological footprint.

So many of us have grown up too quickly because we were tryna follow the crowd or some experiences forced us into adulthood.


  1. Recall one thing you liked to do as a kid that always made you feel happy (as long as it was safe and legal).
  2. Carve out 2 hours (however you wanna break that time up) in your week for some “free time” .
  3. Do said thing you thought of in #1 and do the damn thing.




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